When I met Arin, I saw his heart to share the good news of Jesus. He had great eagerness, but he was unsure of how to talk about Jesus in a natural way. This is a problem many of us have. You might be able to relate. We want people to know Jesus, but we are not sure what to […]
3 Scriptures on Who to Marry
I had breakfast recently with a young man I disciple. He is a newer follower of Jesus and is thinking about dating and marriage. He had questions about who to date and who not to date. We have both heard advice from Christians on this, but we wanted to read the Bible passages for ourselves […]
How to go from a “regular” job to full-time ministry
After doing engineering and selling software all over the world, God led me into full-time ministry. I became a College Pastor then an Executive Pastor and then took another leap into full-time mission ministry. So I have been in “full-time ministry” for 15 years. A part of my ministry right now is coaching other people […]
Questions to uncover your calling
I love helping people discover their unique work in this world. We know from Ephesians 2:10 that when God created you, He had dreams of the contribution you would make in this world. So how do you discover what that work is? I came across a great set of questions to help you uncover […]
How to find your unique work in this world
How to find your unique work in this world Imagine waking up on Monday morning and being excited about your work. Imagine that your work is so engaging you lose track of time because you are in a state of flow. You work for a few hours and notice that you are energized instead of […]
God’s dream for your work
God’s dream for your work NOTE: This is part 2 of a two part blog. Be sure to read Part 1 How to find your unique work in this world before reading the following. Unpacking Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we […]