How to read passages about Jesus to discover more about Him and what it means to follow Him in everyday life.
What are you thankful for? Stressed about?
Pray with thankfulness, praise, and intercession.
Retell last week’s scripture in your own words.
How did last week go in believing and obeying God?
Read the scripture twice.
Retell it in your own words.
What does this teach us about God?
What does this teach us about people?
What does God want me to believe and obey from this passage? Start with “I will…”
Who will I share this with?
Scripture Sets
Here are two scripture sets to use with Discovery Bible Study and some ideas on when to use them.
Seven Stories of Hope
This is a great scripture set to use with people who do not yet follow Jesus. It shows who Jesus is and how He relates to people.
1) The Sinful Woman – Luke 7:36-50
2) Pharisee & Tax Collector – Luke 18:9-17
3) Zacchaeus – Luke 19:1-10
4) Unforgiving Servant – Matthew 18:21-35
5) Thieves on the Cross – Luke 22:66 – 23:25, 23:32-43
6) Resurrection – Luke 24:1-20
7) Prodigal Son – Luke 15:11-32
The Seven Commands of Christ
This is a great scripture set to use with believers in Jesus. Whether a new or old believer, this scripture set walks people through the foundational commands of Jesus.
1) Repent & Believe – Command: Mark 1:14-15 | Story: Luke 19:1-10 (Zaccheus)
2) Be Baptized – Command: Matthew 28:19-20 | Story: Acts 8:26-39 (Philip & Ethiopian Official)
3) Pray – Command: Matthew 6:9-13 | Story: Matthew 6:9-13 (Jesus Teaches About Prayer)
4) Go…Make Disciples – Command: Matthew 28:19-20 | Story: John 4:4-42 (Samaritan Woman at the Well)
5) Love – Command: Matthew 22:37-39 | Story: Luke 10:25-37 (Good Samaritan)
6) Lord’s Supper – Command: Luke 22:19-20 | Story: Luke 22:7-20 (Jesus’ Last Supper)
7) Give – Command: Luke 6:38 | Story: Mark 12:41-44 (The Widow Gives)